\newcommand{\Frame}[1]{\mathcal F_{#1}}
\newcommand{\f}[3]{{}_{#2} \v{#1}_{#3}}
\newcommand{\fh}[3]{{}_{#2} \vh{#1}_{#3}}
\newcommand{\origin}{\pt O}
\newcommand{\El}{\en g}
\newcommand{\ElB}{\en h}
\newcommand{\AlgEl}{\v X}
\newcommand{\AlgElB}{\v Y}
\newcommand{\Id}{\en e}
\newcommand{\Tan}{\vs T}
\newcommand{\tvec}{\v t}
\newcommand{\eye}{\v I}
\newcommand{\zeros}{\v 0}
New features
module with heap-allocated, dynamically-composable Proxy
module with uncertain objects and noise models
- N-ary expressions
expressions representing true 3D affine points. Unlike translations, points
cannot be added or scaled.
- Documentation built with Sphinx
Backward-incompatible API changes
- C++17 is now required
- Boost 1.58 is now required
- CMake 3.8 is now required
- Changed selection of storage types from expression types.
(Described in docs under “Storage and auto”)
stored as separate quaternion and vector instead of 7-vector.
Changed template parameters.
Fixes and minor changes
- Fixed finding googletest source package on Ubuntu bionic
- Fixed (trivial) reverse-mode AD on a single leaf
- Moved numerical Jacobian evaluator into
- Reorganized and renamed storage base classes
- .translation() and .rotation() methods work on all transform expressions (not just leaves)
- Faster exponential map to quaternions
expression represents subtraction, replacing combination of sum and negation.
- Improved error message on trying to construct a Framed object from a mismatching expression.
0.3.0 (2018-08-19)
New features
- Scalar multiplication (scalar*vector, vector*scalar, and vector/scalar)
- Differentiable arithmetic operations on scalar expressions (e.g. ```v1.norm() + v2.norm()`)
- The library can be installed and used via CMake
- The library can be built as a submodule of libwave
- Automated CI builds
Deprecated support
- C++11 support is deprecated. The next release will use C++17.
- Eigen 3.2.92 (3.3-beta2) is not officially supported. It works as of this release, but
only 3.3.2 is tested in CI.
Fixes and minor changes
- Expressions can be differentiated w.r.t. their stored contents
auto expr = v * 2; expr.jacobian(expr.rhs())
- CMake handling of dependencies improved
- Minor bug and compiler warning fixes
0.2.0 (2018-05-04)
Initial public release. Previously, wave_geometry was under development as a library
called lkinematics
Other Versions
v: develop