\newcommand{\Frame}[1]{\mathcal F_{#1}}
\newcommand{\f}[3]{{}_{#2} \v{#1}_{#3}}
\newcommand{\fh}[3]{{}_{#2} \vh{#1}_{#3}}
\newcommand{\origin}{\pt O}
\newcommand{\El}{\en g}
\newcommand{\ElB}{\en h}
\newcommand{\AlgEl}{\v X}
\newcommand{\AlgElB}{\v Y}
\newcommand{\Id}{\en e}
\newcommand{\Tan}{\vs T}
\newcommand{\tvec}{\v t}
\newcommand{\eye}{\v I}
\newcommand{\zeros}{\v 0}
wave_geometry is described in a conference paper :
@inproceedings { koppel2018manifold ,
title = {Manifold Geometry with Fast Automatic Derivatives and Coordinate Frame Semantics Checking in {C++}} ,
author = {Koppel, Leonid and Waslander, Steven L.} ,
booktitle = {15th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV)} ,
year = {2018} ,
note = {to be published}
Other Versions
v: develop