Dynamic expressions

Sometimes, we want to do something not possible with pure expression templates: decide the structure of an expression at runtime, make heterogenous vectors of expressions, or spread compilation across translation units. Specifically, we want expressions with dynamic polymorphism. We may also want to store objects on the heap and share their ownership.

These tasks are possible with wave_geometry’s dynamic module. This module comes in a separate header:

#include <wave/geometry/geometry.hpp>
#include <wave/geometry/dynamic.hpp>

Proxy expressions

For any leaf type L, the class Proxy<L> wraps a heap-allocated expression that will evaluate to L, but whose concrete type is determined at runtime. Proxy objects hold a shared_ptr to the expression. Consider the example:

wave::Proxy<wave::Translationd> t = wave::Translationd::Random();
wave::Proxy<wave::RotationMd> R1 = wave::RotationMd::Random();
wave::Proxy<wave::RotationMd> R2 = wave::RotationMd::Random();

wave::Proxy<wave::Translationd> result = R1 * t;
if (R2_is_needed) {
    result = R2 * result;
return result;

This example above can equivalently be written as:

auto t = makeProxy(wave::Translationd::Random());
auto R1 = makeProxy(wave::RotationMd::Random());
auto R2 = makeProxy(wave::RotationMd::Random());

auto result = makeProxy(R1 * t);
if (R2_is_needed) {
    result = R2 * result;
return result;

The first three lines construct random-valued leaf objects on the heap and give their ownership to Proxy objects. result is a Proxy<Translationd>, the same type as t, but it points to a Rotate expression of other Proxy objects. We can safely return result knowing the dynamic expression tree it points to on the heap will remain, because its lifetime is controlled by shared_ptrs. We can assign to proxies with shared pointer semantics.

Proxy<L> is analogous to GTSAM’s Expression<L>.

Proxies are fully compatible with “regular” expressions: they can be evaluated using eval() or by assignment to a leaf, they can be used in static expressions, and they can hold arbitrary expressions. Caveat: it is usually a bad idea put an expression that contains references to stack objects in a Proxy. If those objects are destroyed before the Proxy, it will be left with dangling references.

Under the hood, creating a Proxy constructs a Dynamic expression. For example, the line

auto result = makeProxy(R1 * t);

puts an object of type Dynamic<Rotate<Proxy<RotationMd>&&,Proxy<Translationd>&&>&&> on the heap. The resulting Proxy<Translationd> holds a shared pointer to that object through its abstract base class, DynamicBase<Translationd>.