Manifold operations

wave_geometry includes operations on \(\SO3\), the Lie group of 3D rotations, and \(\SE3\), the group of 3D rigid transformations.

Supported manifold operations
Operation   Code
Composition \(\vgrp \circ \vgrp\) R * R
Inverse \(\vgrp^{-1}\) inverse(R)
Coordinate map \(\vgrp (\vvec)\) R * p
Exponential map \(\exp(\valg)\) exp(w)
Logarithmic map \(\log(\vgrp)\) log(R)
Manifold plus \(\vgrp \boxplus \valg = \exp(\valg) \circ \vgrp\) R + w
Manifold minus \(\vgrp_1 \boxminus \vgrp_2 = \log(\vgrp_1 \circ \vgrp_2^{-1})\) R - R

Above, \(\vgrp\) or R represents a Lie group element, \(\valg\) or w represents a Lie algebra element, \(\vvec\) and p represents a translation. The following operations are supported for Euclidean elements, where \(\vvecg\) or v represents any element of \(\R{n}\), \(\so3\) or \(\se3\), and \(a\) or a represents a scalar:vector

Supported vector operations
Operation   Code
Sum \(\vvecg+\vvecg\) v + v
Difference \(\vvecg-\vvecg\) v - v
Negation \(-\vvecg\) -v
Scalar multiplication \(a\vvecg\) a * v
Scalar division \(\vvecg/a\) v / a
Dot product \(\vvecg \cdot \vvecg\) dot(v, a)

These operations are supported for affine points, \(\vvec\):

Supported point operations
Operation   Code
Translation between points \(\vvec - \vvec = \vvecg\) p - p
Point translation \(\vvec + \vvecg = \vvec\) p + v
Point translation \(\vvec - \vvecg = \vvec\) p - v