
Get the source code

The latest version of wave_geometry is available on GitHub.

git clone


wave_geometry requires:

  • an existing installation of Eigen 3.3.2 or above
  • an existing installation of Boost 1.58 or above (header-only libraries)
  • a C++17 compiler (tested on GCC 6.5, clang 5.0)

It has only been tested on Linux.

Install on Linux

wave_geometry is a header-only library, meaning no compilation is required to use it in your project. It can be installed with CMake.

cd wave_geometry
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install

Setting the BUILD_TESTING option to ON (the default) will build unit tests, and make test will run them.

As an alternative to make install, the CMake option -DEXPORT_BUILD=ON will make the build directory findable by other CMake projects without installation.

Use in a CMake project

Once wave_geometry has been either installed or exported by CMake, it can be used in your project’s CMakeLists.txt file as follows:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)


find_package(wave_geometry REQUIRED)

add_executable(example example.cpp)
target_link_libraries(example wave_geometry)

In your C++ file, write:

#include <wave/geometry/geometry.hpp>